For Industrial Companies

Job Competence Profile

Many job competence profiles in companies are very global. We have several tools to make these job competence profile more concrete, for instance by using Work Place Analysis (WPA) and VAPRO Competence Monitor.

Work Place Analysis (WPA)

The starting point of a Work Place Analysis (WPA) is the actual process and production department. Because in a WPA the specific knowledge, skills and attitudes, and assessment criteria for a certain workplace for several levels of employees are defined (monitoring, serving, mastering, managing), the WPA can be used for the specific training and assessments of all level of people involved with that part of the process.

VAPRO Play Card

By using VAPRO Competence Monitor (VAPRO Play Card), all necessary soft competences, with their performance criteria for a certain job position will be identified. Based on the results, the most important soft competences and their performance criteria for a certain level of persons in the company will become clear.

Diagram to develop job competence profile by Work Place Analysis and VAPRO Competence Monitor

When the WPA is developed for a certain part of a department, all activities to perform in a right way at that workplace, for all level of employees involved with that workplace are defined. The results of the VAPRO Play Card describe the necessary general soft competences.

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